بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

"And one of his signs is that He created mates for you from your own kind that you may find peace in them, and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely there are signs in this for those who reflect."

(QS Ar-Rum: 21)

Counting Days

  • 00Days
  • 00Hrs
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Our Love Story

  • 17th March 2022

"Hello there, I’m here, notice me please Miss" 👀

We first met as colleagues

17th March 2022
12th September 2022
  • 12th September 2022

"Assalamualaikum and hi, Mr 😉"

We were destined to be working as a team

  • 22nd September 2022

"Excuse me, can I help you, Miss?"


22nd September 2022
24th September 2022
  • 24th September 2022

We officially started talking to each other for the first time, in person.

  • 2nd October 2022

Love is in the air💕

2nd October 2022
29th July 2023
  • 29th July 2023

Merisik and we got engaged 💍

  • 27th Jan 2024

‘I do, We do’ ❤️ إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ 

27th Jan 2024

Doa Pengantin

بَارَكَ اللهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِى خَيْرٍ

”Semoga Allah memberikan berkah untukmu, semoga Allah memberi berkah kepadamu dan menghimpun kalian berdua (sebagai suami isteri) dalam kebaikan"

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم

Ya Allah, Bless this couple with faith, love, and happiness in this world and the Next. Please put love and mercy in the hearts of this couple for each other.

Strengthen the hearts of the bride and the groom with faith, and let them increase in their love and commitment to You through their bond.

May Allah accept all our dua for marriage and keep the marriage intact and get go to Jannah together.

Ya Allah, berkatilah majlis dan perkahwinan ini, limpahkanlah baraqah dan rahmat kepada kedua mempelai ini.

Kurniakanlah mereka zuriat yang soleh dan solehah. Kekalkanlah jodoh mereka di dunia dan di akhirat, dan sempurnakanlah agama mereka dengan berkat ikatan ini. Aamiin.

آمِيْن يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِيْنَ


Send Your Wishes

Baby Girl (11)
Zura Ali anak nek long PD
Happily ever after till Jannah.. beautiful bride n groom
Baby Girl (11)
Zura Ali anak nek long PD
Happily ever after till Jannah.. beautiful bride n groom
Baby Girl (11)
Athirah Janah
Barakallah Mas dan pasangan!! Moga Allah berkati mahligai perkahwinan yang dibina. Moga dikurniakan zuriat yang soleh dan solehah amin yra. Till jannah!
Baby Girl (11)
Selamat pengantin baru Mas Shazila Aini!! Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan, dan semoga kekal bahagia hingga ke jannah amin amin.
Baby Girl (11)
Reen Ryzal
Tahniah buat teacher Mas🩷 Selamat Pengantin Baharu 👰🏻‍♀️semoga berbahagia bersama teman hidup baharu🫶🏻 Aamin Insya Allah.
Baby Girl (11)
Here's to a long, happy life with the one you love. Wishing you guys the best mas and azuwan.
Baby Girl (11)
Elya Wan Azizi
I’m so happy for you and I wish you (and your groom) the very best for an amazing marriage ahead. Can’t wait to see your gorgeous self at the wedding! 💕
Baby Girl (11)
Ucu & Family
Tahniah!!! Anak buah ku tersayang berjumpa jodohnya..semoga ikatan perkahwinan kalian kekal hingga ke jannah . Hud, Huda & Hannan ❤️ akak noni 🤵👰
Baby Girl (11)
Congratulations Mas ! ❤️ May Allah ease everything for you and your spouse! Have a blessed marriage 💕
Baby Girl (11)
Kak hzila
Tahniah mas n wan… All the best. Muga dipermudah semua urusan ..sis love 🥰❤️💐
Baby Girl (11)
Tahniah mas dan azuwan..semoga majlis berjalan lancar..semoga berbahagia hingga ke syurga..
Baby Girl (11)
Tahniah mas! Semoga dipermudahkan✨
Baby Girl (11)
Have a blessed and happy married life to a wonderful couple, Mas & Wan. Congrats and cheers🌹
Baby Girl (11)
Alhamdulillah.. Tahniah Wan & pasangan. Finally..welcome to the club. 🤲🏻👏🏻👏🏻. InshaAllah kami dtg 1 family. Tazzabarrr.. Semoga majlis berjalan lancar.
Baby Girl (11)
Ustaz Rafi
Alhamdulillah. Tahniah Mas Shazila dan Azuwan. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan dan majlis berjalan lancar. Aminn. 🌹🌹🌹
Baby Girl (11)
Kak Jan
Alhamdulillah. Tahniah adik kesayanganku Mas Shazila & Zuan atas berita ini. Finally, the eyes connection masa buat sepanduk speaks 😍 🤲 بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما وجمع بينكما في خير
Baby Girl (11)
Tahniah mas.tak sangka tadi duduk sebelah org berdarah manis.semoga berbahagia hingga ke syurga.❤️❤️❤️
Baby Girl (11)
Mabrouk mas😍..semoga masjid yang dibina berkekalan hingga jannah ✨
Baby Girl (11)
Congratsss Mas and cikgu azuwan ✨ Semoga dipermudah urusan. Btw, the love story is sooo kiyooottttt🙈
Baby Girl (11)
Aaaaa congrats kak mas dan cg azuwan 🤲🏻🥹 finally.. im so happy for you kak mas. eii shomelnyeeeeee
Baby Girl (11)
org yg baik seperti Mas hanya utk org yg baik sepeti Azuwan insyaAllah, semoga berbahagia hingga ke syurga, semoga saling mencintai dan berkasih sayang dalam melayari bahtera perkahwinan, didoakan agar dipermudahkan urusan, dilimpahkan sakinah mawaddah dan rahmah, tahniah Mas sobatku 🥰
Baby Girl (11)
Hizami & Arifah
Akhirnya, terurai jua rahsia yang disimpan selama ini🤭 Tahniah Mas dan Abg Azuwan. Semoga dipermudah segala urusan kalian berdua dari awal perkahwinan hingga ke akhir hayat. Moga dikurniakan zuriat yang soleh dan solehah🤲. Haa terlepas sudah amanat kami sebagai penyimpan rahsia mereka😆.
Baby Girl (11)
Barakallah to my Pak uteh & Mak Uteh.. terharu dan bahagianya saya Pak uteh saya dah temui permaisuri hatinya. Selamat Pengantin Baru. Kita doakan semoga urusan pernikahan dan majlis semua dipermudahkan.. Aamiin Ya Rab💙💜
Baby Girl (11)
Cikgu Nooreda
Alhamdulillah dan tahniah Mas Shazila @ Noni..cikgu doakan Noni berbahagia bersama pasangan, dipermudahkan urusan membina keluarga yg sakinah hingga ke jannah. Aamiin
Baby Girl (11)
Barakallahu lakuma and congratulations on your wedding mas! may your journey together be blessed with love, understanding, and everlasting happiness 🥰🥰🥰😍
Baby Girl (11)
Truly happy for you, may you both showered with happiness and blessings from HIM. Semoga cinta kalian selamanya berkekalan hingga syurga
Baby Girl (11)
Congratulations Mas Shazy! So happy for you❤️ Welcome to the club ❤️❤️
Baby Girl (11)
Congratulations Mas & husband! May Allah bless your marriage🤲🏻 I pray that you and your partner will have a smooth journey together till Jannah💗 See you on your big day!🥰
Baby Girl (11)
Congrats Mas Shaz & husband!! Wishing your love story continues to unfold with joy and countless beautiful moments. Congrats again on finding your forever! ❤️❤️ #grabcikcumilzforlyfe
Baby Girl (11)
Husna Z
Congratulations Mas Shazzyyy!!💓✨ I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see you on your big day 💍
Baby Girl (11)
Congratulation Mas Shazila Ku and Hubs!!! Semoga Allah sentiasa permudahkan semua urusan Mas and partner, semoga sentiasa dibawah lindung rahmat Dan berkat-Nya. Selamat bercinta hingga ke syurga ♥️ TAHNIAH MAS SHAZILA AND AZUWAN!!!! Tunggu card aku pulak lepas ni 👻 💃🏻
Baby Girl (11)
tina the cuzzy
Congratulations to the most amazing cousin. It’s still hard for me to believe that you’re getting married.Nothing could describe how happy and proud i am for you! You are my cousin, sister and best friend all in one. Honestly, im scared on how it would be like after the marriage.Of course some things will never be the same anymore but i hope we could still keep our bond as strong as ever. Im looking forward for our next hangout and makan makan date!! Thank you for everything. Thank you for all the food and movie tickets you’ve paid for me hehe.To have you as a cousin is one of the biggest blessing ever. I wish you a blissful, fairytale-like marriage. Xoxo,tina
Baby Girl (11)
Cg mad
Selamat pengantin baru. Semoga bahagia hingga ke Jannah.Semoga Allah merahmati, memberkati dan melimpahkan rezeki untuk puteri&pasangan pn mas Azila & en Sharuddin .
Baby Girl (11)
Kak Bahijah
Tahniah Mas Semoga bertambah bahagia dengan pertambahan ahli keluarga baru Semoga Allah memberkati majlis dan dipermudahkan segala urusan persiapan dan semoga majlis berjalan lancar nanti aamiin YRA Semoga pengantin kekal bahagia hingga ke jannah aamiin
Baby Girl (11)
Kepada kakak ku, kakak yg terpintar, tercantik, tercomel di dunia ini, tidak cukup kata mampu ku ucapkan pada kamu atas pencapaian dan kerjayaan mu, untuk bertemu dgn kekasih hatimu, semoga perjalanan kakak dgn suami kakak terus bahagian aman dan dirahmati ilahi, dan tidak henti,didunia ini, sungguhpun di syurga firdausi.(Наилучшие пожелания от вашего брата из России)
Baby Girl (11)
Your cuzzy dan
We grew up together, laughed together. My most beautiful, prettiest, gorgeous, the most genius cousin evahhh is now a wife. Invisible tears are the hardest to wipe. I’m going to be there to see the start of the happiest marriage. You have a whole life together to look forward to and can be sure it is just the beginning of the happiness you have dreamed of. I hope you’ll have a perfect marriage made in heaven. Congratulations dear cousin.
Baby Girl (11)
Kak aza & abg mail
Selamat pengantin baharu buat adinda tersayang, semoga berbahgia dan tenang disamping insan teristimewa. Moga Allah senantiasa memberi limpah rahmat dan kasih sayang Nya buat adinda berdua.
Baby Girl (11)
Mia & Faid sekeluarga
Selamat Pengantin baru kepada pak uteh dan mak uteh Semoga hidup korang penuh dengan cinta, kebahagiaan, dan kejayaan yang tidak terhingga."Moga Allah memberkati ikatan suci ini dan melimpahkan rahmat-Nya ke atas kalian sepanjang hidup korang."Taniah drpd Mia Dan Faid
Baby Girl (11)
sharina <3
Congrats congrats congrats Mas and Azuwan for your beautiful marriage. May Allah bless both of you on this new adventure of your life together, BarakAllah lakuma. Love u lots! <3
Baby Girl (11)
BarakAllahu lakuma Wa baraka 'alaykuma Wa jama'a baynakuma Fi khayr. Wishing you eternal joy, love and happiness on your wedding day. Here's to a lifetime of love and happiness! May the love you share today continue to grow stronger till Jannah. I love you Mas 🥰

Shazila and Azuwan Wedding Website

Exclusive Made With Love by kenangandigital.com

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